What is a vice? If you check any dictionary, a vice is defined as any habit that is immoral, evil, degrading or depraved. I've read from an article in the Internet that Aristotle defined vice as the habit of making wrong choices ( More often than not, a vice is also an addiction (take note of the word “habit”). gave two definitions for “addiction”. The first definition is “to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance” This applies to dependence on alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. The second definition is “to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively.” This applies to obsession with activities like shopping, eating, sports, gaming, etc. (
Christians are NOT supposed to have any vice or addiction to anything. NOT EVEN ONE. Christians usually have a hierarchy for vices and addictions - from the VERY BAD to the NOT SO BAD. For instance, most Christians believe that addiction to smoking and drinking (or tobacco and alcohol) is VERY BAD, and therefore, NOT ACCEPTABLE for any Christian to have. But, let's say, addiction to gaming (like COC, DOTA) is NOT SO BAD and is therefore ACCEPTABLE and TOLERABLE.
The usual defense or excuse for vices or addictions is “I am not causing anyone harm by playing COC or DOTA”. Smoking, and drinking are considered VERY BAD by most Christians because these habits destroy the body and cause disharmony in the family. And do you think that addiction to games (and any other addiction, for that matter) does not destroy the family?
The second defense or excuse for vices or addictions is “Am I not allowed to have only ONE vice?” A man may say, “I am a good provider. I love my wife and my kids. I am faithful to my wife. I spend time with my family. I don't smoke or drink or gamble. Yes, I spend a lot of time playing online games but am I not allowed to have only one vice?” This excuse is discussed in the book Devotions for a Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas.
II Corinthians 7:1 says:
“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
Take note of the word “everything”. The Bible does NOT say that we should only purify ourselves from very bad or very serious vices and addictions. It says, we should get rid of EVERYTHING that contaminates body and spirit.
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). True, we will not have perfection in this world but we should work TOWARDS perfection since our Father in Heaven is perfect.
Lastly, good deeds or virtues do not negate vices or addictions. It is common for people to do ten good deeds and say that they can now do one bad things because they have already done ten good deeds. There is no BANK in heaven wherein we can deposit our good deeds and virtues, and then “withdraw” some “goody points” to spend on one vice or addiction. Instead of making excuses, ask help from the Holy Spirit to rid you of that vice and/or addiction.
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What is a vice? If you check any dictionary, a vice is defined as any habit that is immoral, evil, degrading or depraved. I've read from an article in the Internet that Aristotle defined vice as the habit of making wrong choices ( More often than not, a vice is also an addiction (take note of the word “habit”). gave two definitions for “addiction”. The first definition is “to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance” This applies to dependence on alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. The second definition is “to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively.” This applies to obsession with activities like shopping, eating, sports, gaming, etc. (
Christians are NOT supposed to have any vice or addiction to anything. NOT EVEN ONE. Christians usually have a hierarchy for vices and addictions - from the VERY BAD to the NOT SO BAD. For instance, most Christians believe that addiction to smoking and drinking (or tobacco and alcohol) is VERY BAD, and therefore, NOT ACCEPTABLE for any Christian to have. But, let's say, addiction to gaming (like COC, DOTA) is NOT SO BAD and is therefore ACCEPTABLE and TOLERABLE.
The usual defense or excuse for vices or addictions is “I am not causing anyone harm by playing COC or DOTA”. Smoking, and drinking are considered VERY BAD by most Christians because these habits destroy the body and cause disharmony in the family. And do you think that addiction to games (and any other addiction, for that matter) does not destroy the family?
The second defense or excuse for vices or addictions is “Am I not allowed to have only ONE vice?” A man may say, “I am a good provider. I love my wife and my kids. I am faithful to my wife. I spend time with my family. I don't smoke or drink or gamble. Yes, I spend a lot of time playing online games but am I not allowed to have only one vice?” This excuse is discussed in the book Devotions for a Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas.
II Corinthians 7:1 says:
“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
Take note of the word “everything”. The Bible does NOT say that we should only purify ourselves from very bad or very serious vices and addictions. It says, we should get rid of EVERYTHING that contaminates body and spirit.
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). True, we will not have perfection in this world but we should work TOWARDS perfection since our Father in Heaven is perfect.
Lastly, good deeds or virtues do not negate vices or addictions. It is common for people to do ten good deeds and say that they can now do one bad things because they have already done ten good deeds. There is no BANK in heaven wherein we can deposit our good deeds and virtues, and then “withdraw” some “goody points” to spend on one vice or addiction. Instead of making excuses, ask help from the Holy Spirit to rid you of that vice and/or addiction.
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