I saw this saying posted on my co-teacher's desk. At first, I was of the opinion that this saying is kind of "negative". I was thinking, "If you trust someone, why do you need to verify?" Funny thing is a few days after I noticed this saying, I was able to understand and apply it in my very own experiences.

I cannot understand why people lie, and these very people who lie are the ones who require total honesty from you. I want to tell them to their faces, "You want me to be honest, but you yourself lied to me several times."

What is worse is that some people believe that you can lie to your close friends and loved ones to "protect" them from getting hurt. A lie, which is from Satan, the FATHER OF ALL LIES", can NEVER protect anyone from anything. Satan's main purposes are only to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10). Where did people get the idea that a lie can protect anyone?

It is the truth that sets us free (John 8:32). Yes, if you tell someone the whole truth and nothing but the truth, AT FIRST, they will get angry but that is only an INITIAL REACTION (well, in my case, it is). If you explain to them with love that you are honest with them because you love them and you do not want to keep secrets from them, they will understand - especially if they are your loved ones and your close friends (Yes, I think the level of relationship also matters). After all, love conquers all (I Peter 4:8).

I am the kind of person who is very trusting. But if you lied to me once, I will find it rather difficult to trust you again. Luke 16:10 says ""Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." If you want to regain my trust, then prove your honesty to me through your actions.

I Corinthians 4:2 says "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful."


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